
Eliminating the Problem of Bed-Blocking

Help & Advice

Eliminating the Problem of Bed-Blocking

21st September 2019

The NHS is a true gem of the United Kingdom, providing us with free care as and when we need it. It is not without its faults, but as a country we are incredibly lucky to have it.

That is why it is important that we all do what we can to support it. Bed blocking is one of the biggest issues that hospitals face as the demand for treatment is overwhelming. Bed blocking is when someone has had all the treatment that they need from a hospital, but they still require long-term care and there is nowhere else for them to go. They have to remain in hospital, while severely ill or emergency patients have to wait in ambulances or in corridors as there are no beds available to them. Care services work with the NHS to try and reduce this problem, but there is not always space in local care homes and they can’t just return home alone.

Solutions to Bed Blocking

One of the simplest solutions to bed blocking is to arrange for care within the patients’ own home, with a service such as Lotus Home Care. Giving them the creature-comforts of their own four walls is conducive to a fast recovery and, of course, removes the pressure from the NHS. Even the terminally ill can be given 24-hour care with live-in carers or with a combination of regular care visits and help from friends and family.

It is not a solution that will work for everybody – those who live quite remotely might not be happy to be taken home away from the social atmosphere that hospital wards can provide. Those with no spare room for a carer might not find the idea practical, and those who struggle with social awkwardness might not appreciate the idea of a stranger living in their home with them. Others might baulk at the cost of such a service. For many, however, the idea of a live-in carer can be a relief, allowing them to live as independently as possible in their later years.

Home Care Services you can Rely On

Lotus Home Care covers the whole of Yorkshire, making us one of the largest care providers in the area. Our aim is to ensure all our service users live as comfortably and independently as possible, regularly reviewing the service we provide to ensure it still meets the needs of the individual. If you have a loved one who is soon to be discharged from hospital, but still needs extra care, no matter how extensive, contact us and see how we can help.

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